5 Health Apps Which Reward You For Being Active

You have heard about activity tracking mobile apps or devices. You will be pleased to also know that there are some apps/programs which reward...

Expert Beginner Tips to Improve Running Pace

Beginning runners fall into two different categories when it comes to pacing. The first is that group who goes right for a fast pace,...

7 Smart Suggestions to Get Kids Involved into Running

Running is an activity everyone should practice regularly, since it promotes psychological, mental, and physical benefits. Childhood obesity has tripled since 1980. If you...
NYC Marathon Spectators

How Many Weeks Do You Need To Train For A Marathon?

More often than not we are humbled by the marathon distance. The 42.195 is tough an gruelling and is no easy task. Because the...

The Right Mindset of a Fitness Warrior (by Paradigm Runner)

After New Year celebration, comes the time for resolution! And weeks after festivity, comes the inevitable reality! For 2019, have you set your list of New...

10 Tips To Avoid A Side Stitch

Side Stitch - the bane of all runners. We do the necessary prep, we train hard, we taper well, we eat clean, we carb-load,...

Running Club in the Central: Fitspo People

Are you bored of running alone? Why not join a running club? With running clubs, it will enhance...

4 Classic Track Workouts For Long Distance Runners

The track is a runners' playground - long distance runners included. It isn't just for sprinters and middle distance runners. In fact, long-distance runners...

4 Most Common Mistakes On Morning Running

“Mens sana in corpore sano” is a phrase that is widely used in sports context as it means “a healthy mind in a healthy...

How to Change your Run Cadence for the Better?

Cadence, or how fast your feet are moving during a run, often plays a larger role than stride length in your overall run speed....

Time Trials – Why You Should Do Them

A time trial run is simply a chance for you to measure your current level of fitness against the clock. You run a set...

4 Hip Flexor Stretches Every Runner Should Know And Practise

Hips don't lie - your hips play a huge role in fluid running. However, the hips remain the weak link in many runners. We,...

Running Club in the Central: Team Runfanatics

Are you bored of running alone? Why not join a running club? With running clubs, it will enhance...

Running Groups in the East: SSTAR.fitness Crew

Are you bored of running alone? Why not join a running club? With running clubs, it will enhance...

6 Alternatives to Energy Gels & Bananas

During runs, many of us take energy gels or bananas because they are convenient sources of carbohydrates which help fuel our each step. But...

5 Tips to Smash your P.B in 2019

JustRunLah! is excited to introduce our newest accredited author, Run2PB Online Coaching, founded by 4 elite athletes based in Australia, they are helping people...

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